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Directions: De-Solv-it® LAUNDRY SAVER™
Using De-Solv-it Laundry Saver on Laundry (Colorfast Washables):
TIP: FOR EVEN BETTER RESULTS, when using Laundry Saver on stains after/out of the dryer cycle, wet the stain area with water before applying Laundry Saver.
Gently remove excess problem from fabric.
Saturate problem area on both sides of fabric.
(For mustard and blood, gently work Laundry Saver into the stain producing a suds-like effect.)
Re-spray and launder according to item manufacturer’s directions.
For even tougher stains, after wetting the stain with water and applying Laundry Saver, gently work Laundry Saver into the stain to produce a suds-like effect.
Launder as usual.
Hard Surfaces
Apply. In most cases, let sit 20-30 seconds.
For tougher challenges, let sit longer before wiping.
Carpet, Upholstery
Apply to clean cloth.
Blot problem area until removed.
Rinse with water.
Blot dry with clean cloth or paper towel.
For best results, extract with wet/dry vac, Bissell, etc. Always test on an inconspicuous area.