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What people are saying about CONTRACTORS SOLVENT™
“After pulling up a vinyl floor the concrete sub-floor was covered with an ancient thick black tar-like adhesive. The old school hardware stores offered me the most insanely poisonous cancer causing chemicals to try and remove it. I refused these and started working every other less deadly option to try and remove the gunk in preparation for tiling. The gunk defeated everything and power tools made hardly a dent. I was considering buying a $400.00 professional resurfacing tool until I tried De-Solv-it (Contractors’ Solvent). This stuff destroyed the old adhesive, making it easy to scrape off and leaving no residue. Resulted in a perfect surface for thin-setting. Smells great and you don’t need a mask or gloves. Incredible.”
- I. Enquist, USA
“I had a small spray bottle of this some years ago. When I moved the bathroom floor had a carpet which I removed. Could not find anything to desolve the glue that had been used to lay the carpet. Found my small bottle and tried it. Really works. Even had contractor say nothing would desolve the glue wihtout ruining the floor tile. Well, floor looks great. I bought the 33oz bottle from Amazon as the local stores did not have it. Then I told the local hardware store. After trying it out themselves they now carry it in the store. Works great and smells good too.”
— C. Wegland, USA